December 6 is National Miners Day…a day established by Congress to honor the contributions and sacrifices of miners both past and present.
In observance of National Miners Day and as a ‘thank you’ to miners across the country and around the world, a special discount is being offered for viewing ‘Killing Coal Country’.
Through Sunday, December 10, ‘Killing Coal Country’ will be available for viewing online for FREE. All you have to do is enter the special discount code “minersday” on the film’s Vimeo on Demand page.
In order to watch the film, just follow these easy steps:
- Go to the film’s Vimeo on Demand page: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/killingcoalcountry
- Click on “Rent”
- Select “Apply discount code”
- Enter “minersday” for promo code
- Click “Apply”